Sunday, 19 June 2011

Last Day

Dear All

Just a quickie to thank you all for your welcome, your help and your hard work over the past 8 weeks. It’s made my first experience working in Zambia really interesting and rewarding. I’ll take a lot away, not least an infinitely improved understanding of ice hockey, the incredible (in the truest sense of the word) male to female ratio of native Zambians and the bus network of Eastern Province.

I’m sure that the e-voucher product and more MTZ has a lot of success ahead.



(Just a footnote to explain some of this.

1 - I've been working with a lot of Canadians who originally came to Africa through Engineers without Borders, so occassionally I've played some hockey. A number of them have been glued to the Stanley Cup over the past few weeks and were dissappointed to see Vancouver lose- no riots on Josef Mwilwa Road though, as yet. 

2 - Zambia has some urban legends, one of which is that women outnumber men 6 to 1. The CIA factbook would seem to put the figure at 1 to 1, so who's right? I think it all depends on your view on polygamy...Another legend is that the famous independence statue here, depicting a man breaking out of chains, rather than being a metaphor, captures a real feat of strength that actually happened. Apparently the man is still alive and is owed 5% of Zambian National Income which was promised to him by the first President.

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